Tattoo removal

Yag Laser Tatoo Removal
Tattoo Removal Treatment with Yag Laser
Every day is more frequent the realization of decorative tattoos. However, the need to eliminate them for social or work reasons also grows. In the past, tattoos were removed with methods that removed the tattooed skin in one way or another, producing consequent scars.
Currently, laser technology is used to eliminate tattoos efficiently and without damaging the skin, without obtaining scars with satisfactory results.

How does the laser work to remove a tattoo?
The energy of the laser is focused on the points of the skin where there is ink and after having chosen a power and adequate energy is projected on the skin. The pigments absorb the energy and explode breaking the capsule where the ink is. The remains of pigments that have become free again in the body will be eliminated by the lymphatic system.

How many sessions are necessary?
The number of sessions may vary from one patient to another, the factors that will influence will be the following:

The depth of the tattoo

The color of the tattoo

The color of the skin

The duration of the implanted tattoo and its size It can be done between 4-10 sessions and can vary more

What care should I have after each session?
Post-treatment care is:

Sun exposure should be avoided during the next 48 hours to the session in the treated area.
The use of a topical antibiotic cream should be used on the tattoo, avoid the use of other creams or solutions containing alcohols or other irritating substances
Avoid saunas, hot places
Do not scratch, or manipulate the area with dirty hands, or remove the crust that in some cases could be achieved.

Each session will be performed depending on the recommendations of the specialist, usually performed every 4 weeks taking into account the progress of tattooing.

Are scars left when the tattoo is removed?
Following the care instructions correctly There is no possibility of scars remaining. Likewise, it is important to evaluate previous healing problems, keloids, current medication, poor circulation, immune system deficiency, skin tone, etc.

If the tattoo has skin damage or relief, this damage is not correctable with this treatment, that is, the scars will not be removed if you already have them. To remove them, other available options can be evaluated with the professional. It is recommended before starting the treatment to carry out a Test.

Can all people perform laser treatment?
All people who have a tattoo can perform this procedure only people who have cancer, AIDS, skin diseases, psoriasis, ezcema, or who suffer from keloids.

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