
Beyond Shape, Cavitation liposuction without surgery!
Cavitation is a revolutionary treatment, also known as ultrasonic liposuction, with world-proven results, it does not produce any pain, without surgery or scars, without disability, it converts fat from solid to liquid so that the body eliminates it naturally. , Is a comfortable, fast and safe method, used by doctors and beauticians as a real alternative to surgery, for patients in the reduction of measurements, body shaping.

Beyond Shape Cavitation?
It is a treatment that uses the use of ultrasonic waves that will allow to reduce the localized deposit, Cavitation means, to generate controlled and repeatedly vacuum micro-bubbles inside a fluid.

How does Beyond Shape Cavitation work?
This cavitation is achieved by ultrasound equipment, low frequency (35-40hz) composed of cycles of compression and expansion that generate a number of micro-cavities or micro-bubbles, which gradually enlarge, culminating in the explosion of and the emulsification of fat tissue (fat breakdown), fat cells are exposed to an overpressure, which breaks their membranes, triggering the destruction of adipocytes, manages to change the state of fatty deposits, from solid to liquid , converting them into a substance (diglyceride) easy to eliminate through the lymphatic system and organic waste routes of metabolism.

Recommendations before and during treatment
Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily during all the weeks of the treatment.

For each session of cavitation it is advisable to drink a liter of water during the 4 or 5 hours before the cavitation session and another liter in the 4 or 5 hours following the session.

We recommend eating a light meal 2 hours before the session, to avoid the feeling of stomach heaviness.

The results will be more effective if you take a balanced diet high in protein, fruit, vegetables low in carbohydrates, calories and fat.

After each session and during treatment.
Perform cardio-vascular exercise (swimming, running, cycling) or walk 3 days a week for 30 minutes.

We suggest using a girdle during treatment to help adhere the skin to the tissue as centimeters are lost.

After each session, it is advised to perform a manual drainage, pre-therapy or physical activity that activates the proper functioning of the metabolism and facilitates the elimination of fat, emulsified from the body.

The number of sections can vary from one patient to another depending on the needs of each patient, 4 to 6 sections per treatment are recommended, the reason is that the adipose tissue is like a wall, which receives the ultrasonic waves and each section will reach more depth of fat, as it is eliminated, you can lose between 2 and 5 centimeters in each section

In what areas can it be done?
Arms, legs, hips, abdomen and back rolls.

Why is it recommended?
Some areas of the body are usually resistant to slimming diets and are not easy to eliminate, nor do they dare to exercise or massages. Cavitation manages to act on these areas directly, with more precise results, freeing them from fat, allowing visible results from the first session and a lasting effect. It is a muscular firming and shaping of the body. It does not need anesthesia and is equipped with maximum safety for the patient.

Cavitation as such does not produce any kind of diseases, but it is necessary to apply on completely healthy people since if a person is sick, suffering from deficiencies in their body could alter their metabolism and then it would be harmful.

Pregnant patients, Lactation, Kidney diseases, Urinary deficiency, Serious diseases such as cancer, Metal implants, Renal insufficiency, liver failure, Cholesterol and high triglycerides.

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