
What is Cryotherapy?
Cryotherapy is a technique based on the application of cold on the body for therapeutic purposes.

How does Cryotherapy work?
The cold is applied to the skin by elastic bands that press lightly on the skin, these bands are soaked with a hypothermic substance that is supremely cold that subtracts heat from the body, cooling it.

Cold bandages contain: Mint, seaweed, orange oil, pure glycerin, vitamins and minerals, all its ingredients are completely organic

How does it act?
The intensity of action will depend on different factors such as the thermal difference between the cold liquid and the skin and the speed with which it is applied. The faster and colder, the greater therapeutic effect. The best effects are obtained in short applications no more than 25 minutes and inside a thermal blanket

What are the benefits?
Its main effect lies in the toning of the skin, for a long time the flaccidity in the skin has been a concern for all people.

Cryotherapy stimulates muscle contraction and firmness, improves flaccidity, stimulates circulation, oxygenation in muscle tissue, relieves muscle tension and tired legs, can be used in areas that wish to reaffirm such as legs, arms , abdomen, bust and buttocks.

The therapeutic effects of cryotherapy are multiple; Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, helps in bumps and bruises, fractures, muscle tears and bruises, because it reduces edema and pain

How many sessions are necessary?
Depending on the need of each patient, it may be necessary between 8-10 sessions, performing each session once a week.

Is there any contraindication?
It is contraindicated in allergic to cold, vascular problems, diabetes, vasculitis, cold urticaria, cryoglobulinemia, hypersensitivity to cold, severe cardiovascular diseases and kidney and visceral diseases. Cryotherapy applications should be made under the guidance of professionals in aesthetics.

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