Electrolifiting With Russian Currents

For a long time the face has been the area to which most people devote special attention and care, is in turn the one that presents much more visible signs of aging mainly begins with the loss of tone or also known as flaccidity , because the facial muscles are difficult to exercise constantly.

Using an advanced technology equipment that uses Russian currents, this modality of currents achieves more satisfactory and visible results since it achieves a stimulation in the muscles at greater depth unlike conventional currents, achieving a visible lift from the first session of a treatment.

What is electrolifting?
It is a special type of micro-current ie a small amount of electricity at a very low specific frequency that adjusts to the frequency of the human body, and is transmitted to the skin through patches and electrodes.

How does it work?
This special current works at the muscular level, exercising the facial muscles by contracting them, toning them, strengthening them and defining them.
Improves circulation
Stimulate the production of collagen (this gives firmness and luminosity to the skin.
It can help reduce fine lines and improve wrinkles
Decongest the skin
Improve firmness and muscle tone
How many sessions are necessary?
They are necessary between 10-12 sessions, making two weekly treatments with a duration between 20-30 minutes.

What are the Contraindications?
The only contraindications to be able to perform this treatment are metallic implants in the area to be performed, fibromyalgia, pregnancies.

Achieving that the skin obtains the best results that the substances that are introduced in the skin, at the same time as it is a treatment without pain and discomfort.

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