
Endermology is a treatment with two motorized rollers independently, perform a deep mechanized massage, while sucking the skin, using a vacuum therapy system (aspiration), to undo the fatty accumulations, break the connective tissue fibrolysis and favor the lipolysis (the cellulite and accumulated fat nodules are undone).

Wears a special mesh and over it sucks the skin at the same time exercises a deep massage, Rolls associated with sequential stimulations, act on the heart of the fibroblast and thus activate the production of these essential supporting fibers (collagen and elastin). The result Re-densification in depth, the skin becomes firmer, more toned and has different programs for each specific case.

The treatment of Endermology consists of a first step, an evaluation of the patient to know how their metabolism works and to carry out the indicated program, the sessions of about 25 to 35 minutes each, two or three times a week. The number of sessions depends of the patient, it is generally recommended between 5-10 sessions to obtain satisfactory results. The results of this technique are verified taken before and after each treatment. The technique developed in France that has been in the market for over twenty years and is technically recognized in more than 100 countries.

Changes occur on the areas that need it most, to reduce the volume where it is desirable. In addition, Endermologie, for its relaxing and soothing action, has an anti-stress effect. It is highly pleasant and relaxing, the treatment is personalized and adapted to the sensitivity of each patient’s skin and should never be painful.

What causes cellulite?

Cellulite is the result of an accumulation of fat in the adipocytes (fatty cells of the hepidermis). As the adipocytes get fatter, the layer that wraps them deforms and forms points of skin anchors, causing the famous orange peel

In this phase, the biggest problem is that the feedback process, due to the stagnation of blood circulation, which leads to the non-evacuation of metabolic waste and toxins, over the years the circulatory problems tend to worsen, the cellulite aspect is accentuated and the skin loses its firmness, the congestion of connective tissue loses its elasticity and its texture becomes fibrous.


Beyond Shape Endermology Lipo-massage, acts effectively on cellulite, body shapes and volumes, remodel, re-sculpts the contour, harmonizes the silhouette to return the body to its ideal shape, reduces localized fat, reduces measures Firms, tones the skin Treatment anti-cellulitic that allows to restructure the connective tissue, reactivates the blood and lymphatic circulation, which favors the elimination of metabolic waste, oxygenates the tissue accelerating the metabolism and mobilizing the most rebellious localized fats, (Thighs, upper part of the hips, cartridge belts, swollen abdomen, waist, arms and inner part of the knees) The results of the technique are scientifically approved and internationally recognized.


In addition, this completely safe, non-invasive, painless procedure does not produce bruises or bruises. After treatment, a slight reddening of the skin may occur.

Endermology Offers well-being and relaxation, does not require any medical intervention, nor take chemical substances. It is only about restoring certain natural functions of the organism and the skin


Drink 1.5 to 2 liters of water daily during all the weeks of the treatment.

We recommend eating a light meal 2 hours before the session, to avoid the feeling of stomach heaviness. The results will be more effective if you take a balanced diet high in protein, fruit, vegetables low in carbohydrates, calories and fat

Subsequent each session and during the treatment:

Perform cardio-vascular exercise, swimming, running, biking or walking 3 days a week for 30 minutes.

We suggest using a girdle during treatment to help adhere the skin to the tissue as centimeters are lost.

It is advised after each session to complement the treatment to perform a manual drainage, inpatient therapy (optional)


Yes, there are specific cases, where this treatment is contraindicated, If you suffer from: Varicose veins, Cancer, muscle, blood or skin infections.

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