
What is the post-operative program?

It is a special program that Renacer Spa designed for our patients, as a perfect complement for the recovery and reduction of skin lesions and tissue damage caused by after cosmetic surgery.

It covers surgeries such as; breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, face and neck facelift, breast and butt lifts, among other aesthetic procedures.

How it is performed?

Through the use of manual lymphatic drainage (special techniques of draining massage): we help the patient to eliminate retained liquids, reduce edema and fluid retention. We also use equipment of advanced technology, to diminish the inflammation of the tissues, among them.

Ultrasound: equipment that emits a soft wave that produces a heat that warms the tissues slightly, which helps to reduce inflammation, which helps the patients to recover quickly.

Pressotherapy: is a team that is composed of a special suit that is placed on the extremities arms and legs and abdomen which produces compression and decompression cycle ie press and release the skin which stimulates the lymphatic and circulatory system, helping the elimination of toxins and the retention of liquids.

Microcurrents: it is a device that emits a soft wave of energy, which is transmitted to the skin through electrodes or patches that are placed in the specific areas that we want to stimulate. We use this equipment with different programs among them; toning, lymphatic drainage, post-operation, muscle definition, among others.

Each treatment is personalized and will be determined by the specialist.

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